Sunday, September 16, 2007

Malthusiasm; An African Dilemma

September 17, 2007
1. Chapter


“Is African population increasing faster than its food supply?” and “Is agriculture production growing faster than the demand for food production” are two questions which is written by J.E.E Njoku in Malthusiasm: An African Dilemma, 1986, pg 1-10. The author try to examine issues based on Malthusion theory by starting population checks and including family planning, population growth, population analysis and policy, and as a last drought and famine.

According to Malthus theory mentioned by Njoku, if you consider that population more likely to double every 25 years, wars, starvation, pestilence and famine are the solutions which control the growing population (p-2). However, the growing population is faster than available food supply in Africa so that this issue pressures on famine and starvation which prove Malthus theory (p-2).

Having many children is considered a source of pride in African societies; therefore, family planning is not so popular to being attention because of polygamy except some educated groups and middle class according to Njoku(p3-6). In addition the growing population has affected on agriculture policy, so the food situation has cause grave issues which are related in drought and starvation according to Njoku(p-5).

As a last Njoku emphasizes that the increasing of population unavailable affects upon education and another aspects which have led the society the lowest type of living in the earth (p6-7). Thus, the food supply is almost handicapped against of the increasing population because of drought and famine in Africa (p7-8)

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